The Randomness of It All

In honor of not blogging in . . . forever, I’ll do a random post to kinda/sorta/almost catch up to it all.

~The Neely’s KNOW how to make cornbread dressing. It was a hit on Thanksgiving.

~The Boy’s #s did a mountain climb on Thanksgiving that gave me the fits. Can you say carb-o-palooza!?!??

~Megamind was a really great movie.

~I got less sleep over the Thanksgiving “break” than I normally do during a school week. Checking blood sugars and bolusing in the middle of the night is NOT fun.

~I am in love with the idea of an Advent Calendar Scarf. How. Brilliant! I’m knitting two – one in Brooks Farm Acero, one in Elann Baby Lace Merino because I felt like a punk for not knitting with laceweight.

~Mealworms stampede when they’re thirsty and smell cucumber.

~I think it’s funny that the above statement makes me laugh. I should probably be sad about it, but I really don’t care!

~I am ‘free’ to go to my knitting meeting this weekend. That makes two in a row, and I’m psyched!

~There is a Lego kit to make the Hogwarts castle that costs $500+. Seriuosly. Seriously? Who buys that? Probably not a single mom who’s a teacher.

~I am not ready for Christmas at all. How did it get to be December? (I think my world stopped last March.)

~Oprah rekindled my Beetle fever. I’m considering trading in the Civic next summer.

~Poodles have necks like owls.

~Driving makes me nuts. I have a 10 minute, 5 mile (if that) commute to and from work, yet every day I manage to get annoyed at someone else’s rudeness on the roads. Yes, this means YOU, Mr. Cadillac Escalade. Why does anyone even need a vehicle that large? I’m glad I don’t have to fill up your gas tank!

~We go to another class at Children’s in two weeks – this time to begin the process for getting on the pump. It’s a little scary, and yet I can’t wait. The Boy DEFINITELY can’t wait.

~I STILL can’t figure out how to properly link using this blog format. Part of it is my unwillingness to upload much on this computer – it’s a ‘donation.’ After the holidays, I will be replacing it. Unless Santa brings be a new one!

~I just learned what a ‘nupp’ is in knitting. I also learned, I can’t do them!! Hrmph!


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1 Response to The Randomness of It All

  1. Rani says:

    You most certainly can do a nupp. And how brilliant is that scarf idea! I am so excited you posted about that. Cause I can never have to many UFO’s. HA HA.

    We live in an area where, yes, they all have the Harry Potter castle AND would you believe iPhones (in fifth and sixth grade). My 12 year old is only one of two boys in a group of 7 that does not have an iphone. Thinks the world is coming to an end. When I drop off at school in my 12 year old minivan (which I love, but sadly, is falling apart) I am surrounded by Escalades and I kid you not – Hummers. It’s a funny world we live in, isn’t it.

    Happy December and happy knitting.

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